ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

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Managing Foxx services


async database.listServices([excludeSystem]): Array<Object>

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Fetches a list of all installed service.


  • excludeSystem: boolean (Default: true)

    Whether system services should be excluded.


const services = await db.listServices();

// -- or --

const services = await db.listServices(false);


async database.installService(mount, source, [options]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Installs a new service.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • source: Buffer | Readable | File | string

    The service bundle to install.

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • configuration: Object (optional)

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

    • dependencies: Object (optional)

      An object mapping dependency aliases to mount points.

    • development: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the service should be installed in development mode.

    • legacy: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the service should be installed in legacy compatibility mode.

      This overrides the engines option in the service manifest (if any).

    • setup: boolean (Default: true)

      Whether the setup script should be executed.


const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
const source = element.files[0];
const info = await db.installService("/hello", source);


async database.replaceService(mount, source, [options]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Replaces an existing service with a new service by completely removing the old service and installing a new service at the same mount point.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • source: Buffer | Readable | File | string

    The service bundle to replace the existing service with.

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • configuration: Object (optional)

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

      This configuration will replace the existing configuration.

    • dependencies: Object (optional)

      An object mapping dependency aliases to mount points.

      These dependencies will replace the existing dependencies.

    • development: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the new service should be installed in development mode.

    • legacy: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the new service should be installed in legacy compatibility mode.

      This overrides the engines option in the service manifest (if any).

    • teardown: boolean (Default: true)

      Whether the teardown script of the old service should be executed.

    • setup: boolean (Default: true)

      Whether the setup script of the new service should be executed.


const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
const source = element.files[0];
const info = await db.replaceService("/hello", source);


async database.upgradeService(mount, source, [options]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Replaces an existing service with a new service while retaining the old service’s configuration and dependencies.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • source: Buffer | Readable | File | string

    The service bundle to replace the existing service with.

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • configuration: Object (optional)

      An object mapping configuration option names to values.

      This configuration will be merged into the existing configuration.

    • dependencies: Object (optional)

      An object mapping dependency aliases to mount points.

      These dependencies will be merged into the existing dependencies.

    • development: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the new service should be installed in development mode.

    • legacy: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the new service should be installed in legacy compatibility mode.

      This overrides the engines option in the service manifest (if any).

    • teardown: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the teardown script of the old service should be executed.

    • setup: boolean (Default: true)

      Whether the setup script of the new service should be executed.


const source = fs.createReadStream("./");
const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const source = fs.readFileSync("./");
const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);

// -- or --

const element = document.getElementById("my-file-input");
const source = element.files[0];
const info = await db.upgradeService("/hello", source);


async database.uninstallService(mount, [options]): void

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Completely removes a service from the database.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • teardown: boolean (Default: true)

      Whether the teardown script should be executed.


await db.uninstallService("/my-service");
// service was uninstalled


async database.getService(mount): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves information about a mounted service.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const info = await db.getService("/my-service");
// info contains detailed information about the service


async database.getServiceConfiguration(mount, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves an object with information about the service’s configuration options and their current values.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values.


const config = await db.getServiceConfiguration("/my-service");
// config contains information about the service's configuration


async database.replaceServiceConfiguration(mount, configuration, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Replaces the configuration of the given service.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • configuration: Object

    An object mapping configuration option names to values.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values and warnings (if any).

    Note: when using ArangoDB 3.2.8 or older, enabling this option avoids triggering a second request to the database.


const config = { currency: "USD", locale: "en-US" };
const info = await db.replaceServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
// info.values contains information about the service's configuration
// info.warnings contains any validation errors for the configuration


async database.updateServiceConfiguration(mount, configuration, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Updates the configuration of the given service my merging the new values into the existing ones.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • configuration: Object

    An object mapping configuration option names to values.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values and warnings (if any).

    Note: when using ArangoDB 3.2.8 or older, enabling this option avoids triggering a second request to the database.


const config = { locale: "en-US" };
const info = await db.updateServiceConfiguration("/my-service", config);
// info.values contains information about the service's configuration
// info.warnings contains any validation errors for the configuration


async database.getServiceDependencies(mount, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves an object with information about the service’s dependencies and their current mount points.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values and warnings (if any).


const deps = await db.getServiceDependencies("/my-service");
// deps contains information about the service's dependencies


async database.replaceServiceDependencies(mount, dependencies, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Replaces the dependencies for the given service.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • dependencies: Object

    An object mapping dependency aliases to mount points.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values and warnings (if any).

    Note: when using ArangoDB 3.2.8 or older, enabling this option avoids triggering a second request to the database.


const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api", auth: "/remote-auth" };
const info = await db.replaceServiceDependencies("/my-service", deps);
// info.values contains information about the service's dependencies
// info.warnings contains any validation errors for the dependencies


async database.updateServiceDependencies(mount, dependencies, [minimal]): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Updates the dependencies for the given service by merging the new values into the existing ones.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • dependencies: Object

    An object mapping dependency aliases to mount points.

  • minimal: boolean (Default: false)

    Only return the current values and warnings (if any).

    Note: when using ArangoDB 3.2.8 or older, enabling this option avoids triggering a second request to the database.


const deps = { mailer: "/mailer-api" };
const info = await db.updateServiceDependencies("/my-service", deps);
// info.values contains information about the service's dependencies
// info.warnings contains any validation errors for the dependencies


async database.enableServiceDevelopmentMode(mount): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Enables development mode for the given service.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const info = await db.enableServiceDevelopmentMode("/my-service");
// the service is now in development mode
// info contains detailed information about the service


async database.disableServiceDevelopmentMode(mount): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Disabled development mode for the given service and commits the service state to the database.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const info = await db.disableServiceDevelopmentMode("/my-service");
// the service is now in production mode
// info contains detailed information about the service


async database.listServiceScripts(mount): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves a list of the service’s scripts.

Returns an object mapping each name to a more readable representation.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const scripts = await db.listServiceScripts("/my-service");
// scripts is an object listing the service scripts


async database.runServiceScript(mount, name, [scriptArg]): any

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Runs a service script and returns the result.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.

  • name: string

    Name of the script to execute.

  • scriptArg: any

    Value that will be passed as an argument to the script.


const result = await db.runServiceScript("/my-service", "setup");
// result contains the script's exports (if any)


async database.runServiceTests(mount, [reporter]): any

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Runs the tests of a given service and returns a formatted report.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • reporter: string (Default: default)

      The reporter to use to process the test results.

      As of ArangoDB 3.2 the following reporters are supported:

      • stream: an array of event objects
      • suite: nested suite objects with test results
      • xunit: JSONML representation of an XUnit report
      • tap: an array of TAP event strings
      • default: an array of test results
    • idiomatic: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the results should be converted to the apropriate string representation:

      • xunit reports will be formatted as XML documents
      • tap reports will be formatted as TAP streams
      • stream reports will be formatted as JSON-LD streams


const opts = { reporter: "xunit", idiomatic: true };
const result = await db.runServiceTests("/my-service", opts);
// result contains the XUnit report as a string


async database.downloadService(mount): Buffer | Blob

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves a zip bundle containing the service files.

Returns a Buffer in Node or Blob in the browser version.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const bundle = await db.downloadService("/my-service");
// bundle is a Buffer/Blob of the service bundle


async database.getServiceReadme(mount): string?

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves the text content of the service’s README or file.

Returns undefined if no such file could be found.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const readme = await db.getServiceReadme("/my-service");
// readme is a string containing the service README's
// text content, or undefined if no README exists


async database.getServiceDocumentation(mount): Object

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Retrieves a Swagger API description object for the service installed at the given mount point.


  • mount: string

    The service’s mount point, relative to the database.


const spec = await db.getServiceDocumentation("/my-service");
// spec is a Swagger API description of the service


async database.commitLocalServiceState([replace]): void

This method is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.2 or later, see Compatibility.

Writes all locally available services to the database and updates any service bundles missing in the database.


  • replace: boolean (Default: false)

    Also commit outdated services.

    This can be used to solve some consistency problems when service bundles are missing in the database or were deleted manually.


await db.commitLocalServiceState();
// all services available on the coordinator have been written to the db

// -- or --

await db.commitLocalServiceState(true);
// all service conflicts have been resolved in favor of this coordinator