Query statistics

A query that has been executed will always return execution statistics. Execution statistics can be retrieved by calling getExtra() on the cursor. The statistics are returned in the return value’s stats attribute:

arangosh> db._query(`
........>   FOR i IN 1..@count INSERT
........>     { _key: CONCAT('anothertest', TO_STRING(i)) }
........>     INTO mycollection`,
........>  {count: 100},
........>  {},
........>  {fullCount: true}
........> ).getExtra();
arangosh> db._query({
........>  "query": `FOR i IN 200..@count INSERT
........>              { _key: CONCAT('anothertest', TO_STRING(i)) }
........>              INTO mycollection`,
........>  "bindVars": {count: 300},
........>  "options": { fullCount: true}
........> }).getExtra();
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Hide execution results
  "warnings" : [ ], 
  "stats" : { 
    "writesExecuted" : 100, 
    "writesIgnored" : 0, 
    "scannedFull" : 0, 
    "scannedIndex" : 0, 
    "filtered" : 0, 
    "httpRequests" : 0, 
    "fullCount" : 0, 
    "executionTime" : 0.0013146520004738704, 
    "peakMemoryUsage" : 32768 
  "warnings" : [ ], 
  "stats" : { 
    "writesExecuted" : 101, 
    "writesIgnored" : 0, 
    "scannedFull" : 0, 
    "scannedIndex" : 0, 
    "filtered" : 0, 
    "httpRequests" : 0, 
    "fullCount" : 0, 
    "executionTime" : 0.0012837499998568092, 
    "peakMemoryUsage" : 32768 

The meaning of the statistics attributes is as follows:

  • writesExecuted: the total number of data-modification operations successfully executed. This is equivalent to the number of documents created, updated or removed by INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or REMOVE operations.
  • writesIgnored: the total number of data-modification operations that were unsuccessful, but have been ignored because of query option ignoreErrors.
  • scannedFull: the total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection without an index. Documents scanned by subqueries will be included in the result, but not no operations triggered by built-in or user-defined AQL functions.
  • scannedIndex: the total number of documents iterated over when scanning a collection using an index. Documents scanned by subqueries will be included in the result, but not no operations triggered by built-in or user-defined AQL functions.
  • filtered: the total number of documents that were removed after executing a filter condition in a FilterNode. Note that IndexRangeNodes can also filter documents by selecting only the required index range from a collection, and the filtered value only indicates how much filtering was done by FilterNodes.
  • fullCount: the total number of documents that matched the search condition if the query’s final top-level LIMIT statement were not present. This attribute may only be returned if the fullCount option was set when starting the query and will only contain a sensible value if the query contained a LIMIT operation on the top level.
  • peakMemoryUsage: the maximum memory usage of the query while it was running. In a cluster, the memory accounting is done per shard, and the memory usage reported is the peak memory usage value from the individual shards. Note that to keep things light-weight, the per-query memory usage is tracked on a relatively high level, not including any memory allocator overhead nor any memory used for temporary results calculations (e.g. memory allocated/deallocated inside AQL expressions and function calls). The attribute peakMemoryUsage is available from v3.4.3.
  • nodes: (optional) when the query was executed with the option profile set to at least 2, then this value contains runtime statistics per query execution node. This field contains the node id (in id), the number of calls to this node calls and the number of items returned by this node items (Items are the temporary results returned at this stage). You can correlate this statistics with the plan returned in extra. For a human readable output you can execute db._profileQuery(<query>, <bind-vars>) in the arangosh.