Spring Data Commons provides a composable repository infrastructure which Spring Data ArangoDB is built on. These allow for interface-based composition of repositories consisting of provided default implementations for certain interfaces (like CrudRepository
) and custom implementations for other methods.
The base interface of Spring Data ArangoDB is ArangoRepository
. It extends the Spring Data interfaces PagingAndSortingRepository
and QueryByExampleExecutor
. To get access to all Sping Data ArangoDB repository functionallity simply create your own interface extending ArangoRepository<T, ID>
The type T
represents your domain class and type ID
the type of your field annotated with @Id
in your domain class. This field is persistend in ArangoDB as document field _key
public class MyDomainClass {
private String id;
public interface MyRepository extends ArangoRepository<MyDomainClass, String> {
Instances of a Repository are created in Spring beans through the auto-wired mechanism of Spring.
public class MySpringBean {
private MyRepository rep;