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Syncing Collections

In order to synchronize data for a single collection from a master to a slave instance, there is the syncCollection function:

It will fetch all documents of the specified collection from the master database and store them in the local instance. After the synchronization, the collection data on the slave will be identical to the data on the master, provided no further data changes happen on the master. Any data changes that are performed on the master after the synchronization was started will not be captured by syncCollection, but need to be replicated using the regular replication applier mechanism.

For the following example setup, we’ll use the instance tcp:// as the master, and the instance tcp:// as a slave.

The goal is to have all data from the collection test in database _system on master tcp:// be replicated to the collection test in database _system on the slave tcp://

On the master, the collection test needs to be present in the _system database, with any data in it.

To transfer this collection to the slave, issue the following commands there:

require("@arangodb/replication").syncCollection("test", {
  endpoint: "tcp://",
  username: "myuser",
  password: "mypasswd"

Warning: The syncCollection command will replace the collection’s data in the slave database with data from the master database! Only execute these commands if you have verified you are on the correct server, in the correct database!

Setting the optional incremental attribute in the call to syncCollection will start an incremental transfer of data. This may be useful in case when the slave already has parts or almost all of the data in the collection and only the differences need to be synchronized. Note that to compute the differences the incremental transfer will build a sorted list of all document keys in the collection on both the slave and the master, which may still be expensive for huge collections in terms of memory usage and runtime. During building the list of keys the collection will be read-locked on the master.

The initialSyncMaxWaitTime attribute in the call to syncCollection controls how long the slave will wait for a master’s response. This wait time can be used to control after what time the synchronization will give up and fail.

The syncCollection command may take a long time to complete if the collection is big. The shell will block until the slave has synchronized the entire collection from the master or until an error occurs. By default, the syncCollection command in the ArangoShell will poll for a status update every 10 seconds.

When syncCollection is called from the ArangoShell, the optional async attribute can be used to start the synchronization as a background process on the slave. If async is set to true, the call to syncCollection will return almost instantly with an id string. Using this id string, the status of the sync job on the slave can be queried using the getSyncResult function as follows:

var replication = require("@arangodb/replication");

/* run command in async mode */
var id = replication.syncCollection("test", {
  endpoint: "tcp://",
  username: "myuser",
  password: "mypasswd",
  async: true

/* now query the status of our operation */

getSyncResult will return false as long as the synchronization is not complete, and return the synchronization result otherwise.