ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs

Arangoinspect Options

Usage: arangoinspect [<options>]


Name Type Description
check-configuration boolean Check the configuration and exit
This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.
config string The configuration file or ‘none’
Default: ""
configuration string The configuration file or ‘none’
Default: ""
default-language string ISO-639 language code
Default: ""
define string… Define key=value for a @key@ entry in config file
Default: []
dump-dependencies boolean Dump dependency graph
This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.
dump-options boolean Dump configuration options in JSON format
This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.
jslint string… Do not start as shell, run jslint instead
Default: []
log string… The global or topic-specific log level
Default: ["info"]
quiet boolean Silent startup
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
version boolean Reports the version and exits
This is a command, no value needs to be specified. The process terminates after executing the command.


Name Type Description
console.audit-file string Audit log file to save commands and results
Default: "" boolean Enable auto completion
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
console.colors boolean Enable color support
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
console.history boolean Whether or not to load and persist command-line history
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
Introduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
console.pager boolean Enable paging
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
console.pager-command string Pager command
Default: "less -X -R -F -L"
console.pretty-print boolean Enable pretty printing
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
console.prompt string Prompt used in REPL. prompt components are: ‘%t’: current time as timestamp, ‘%p’: duration of last command in seconds, ‘%d’: name of current database, ‘%e’: current endpoint, ‘%E’: current endpoint without protocol, ‘%u’: current user
Default: "%E@%d> "


Name Type Description
encryption.key-generator string Enterprise Edition only
Program providing the encryption key on stdout. If set, encryption will be enabled.
Default: ""
encryption.keyfile string Enterprise Edition only
File containing the encryption key. If set, encryption will be enabled.
Default: ""


Name Type Description
javascript.check-syntax string… Syntax check code Javascript code from file
Default: []
javascript.client-module string Client module to use at startup
Default: "inspector.js"
javascript.copy-directory string Target directory to copy files from ‘javascript.startup-directory’ into(only used when --javascript.copy-installation is enabled)
Default: ""
javascript.copy-installation boolean Copy contents of ‘javascript.startup-directory’
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
javascript.current-module-directory boolean Add current directory to module path
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
javascript.execute string… Execute Javascript code from file
Default: []
javascript.execute-string string… Execute Javascript code from string
Default: []
javascript.gc-interval uint64 Request-based garbage collection interval (each command)
Default: 50
javascript.module-directory string… Additional paths containing JavaScript modules
Default: []
javascript.startup-directory string Startup paths containing the Javascript files
Default: "./js"
javascript.unit-test-filter string Filter testcases in suite
Default: ""
javascript.unit-tests string… Do not start as shell, run unit tests instead
Default: []
javascript.v8-max-heap uint64 Maximal heap size (in MB)
Default: 3072
javascript.v8-options string… Options to pass to v8
Default: []


Name Type Description
log.api-enabled string Whether the log api is enabled (true) or not (false), or only enabled for superuser JWT (jwt)
Default: "true"
Introduced in: v3.4.11, v3.5.6, v3.6.5
log.color boolean Use colors for TTY logging
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
log.escape boolean Escape characters when logging
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
log.file string Shortcut for ‘--log.output file://'
Default: "-"
log.file-group string Group to use for new log file, user must be a member of this group
Default: ""
Introduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
log.file-mode string Mode to use for new log file, umask will be applied as well
Default: ""
Introduced in: v3.4.5, v3.5.0
log.force-direct boolean Do not start a seperate thread for logging
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.foreground-tty boolean Also log to tty if backgrounded
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.keep-logrotate boolean Keep the old log file after receiving a sighup
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.level string… The global or topic-specific log level
Default: ["info"]
log.line-number boolean Append line number and file name
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.output string… Log destination(s)
Default: []
log.performance boolean Shortcut for ‘--log.level performance=trace’
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.prefix string Prefix log message with this string
Default: ""
log.request-parameters boolean Include full URLs and HTTP request parameters in trace logs
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
log.role boolean Log server role
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.shorten-filenames boolean Shorten filenames in log output (use with --log.line-number)
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
log.thread boolean Show thread identifier in log message
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.thread-name boolean Show thread name in log message
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.use-local-time boolean Use local timezone instead of UTC
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
log.use-microtime boolean Use microtime instead
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false


Name Type Description
random.generator uint32 Random number generator to use (1 = MERSENNE, 2 = RANDOM, 3 = URANDOM, 4 = COMBINED (not for Windows), 5 = WinCrypt (Windows only)
Default: 1
Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4


Name Type Description
server.ask-jwt-secret boolean If this option is specified, the user will be prompted for a JWT secret. This option is not compatible with --server.username or --server.password. If specified, it will be used for all connections - even when a new connection to another server is created
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: true
server.authentication boolean Require authentication credentials when connecting (does not affect the server-side authentication settings)
This option can be specified without value to enable it.
Default: false
server.connection-timeout double Connection timeout in seconds
Default: 5
server.database string Database name to use when connecting
Default: "_system"
server.endpoint string Endpoint to connect to. Use ‘none’ to start without a server. Use http+ssl:// or vst+ssl:// as schema to connect to an SSL-secured server endpoint, otherwise http+tcp://, vst+tcp:// or unix://
Default: "http+tcp://"
server.max-packet-size uint64 Maximum packet size (in bytes) for client/server communication
Default: 1073741824
server.password string Password to use when connecting. If not specified and authentication is required, the user will be prompted for a password
Default: ""
server.request-timeout double Request timeout in seconds
Default: 1200
server.username string Username to use when connecting
Default: "root"


Name Type Description
ssl.protocol uint64 Ssl protocol (1 = SSLv2, 2 = SSLv2 or SSLv3 (negotiated), 3 = SSLv3, 4 = TLSv1, 5 = TLSv1.2)
Default: 5
Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Name Type Description
temp.path string Path for temporary files
Default: ""