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Cookie Session Transport

const cookieTransport = require('@arangodb/foxx/sessions/transports/cookie');

The cookie transport stores session identifiers in cookies on the request and response object.


// Pass in a secure secret from the Foxx configuration
const secret = module.context.configuration.cookieSecret;
const sessions = sessionsMiddleware({
  storage: module.context.collection('sessions'),
  transport: cookieTransport({
    name: 'FOXXSESSID',
    ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // one week in seconds
    algorithm: 'sha256',
    secret: secret

Creating a transport

cookieTransport([options]): Transport

Creates a Transport that can be used in the sessions middleware.


  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with the following properties:

    • name: string (Default: "sid")

      The name of the cookie.

    • ttl: number (optional)

      Cookie lifetime in seconds. Note that this does not affect the storage TTL (i.e. how long the session itself is considered valid), just how long the cookie should be stored by the client.

    • algorithm: string (optional)

      The algorithm used to sign and verify the cookie. If no algorithm is specified, the cookie will not be signed or verified. See the cookie method on the response object.

    • secret: string (optional)

      Secret to use for the signed cookie. Will be ignored if no algorithm is provided.

    • path: string (optional)

      Path for which the cookie should be issued.

    • domain: string (optional)

      Domain for which the cookie should be issued.

    • secure: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the cookie should be marked as secure (i.e. HTTPS/SSL-only).

    • httpOnly: boolean (Default: false)

      Whether the cookie should be marked as HTTP-only (rather than also exposing it to client-side code).

If a string is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the name option.