ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

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Databases, Collections and Documents

Databases are sets of collections. Collections store records, which are referred to as documents. Collections are the equivalent of tables in RDBMS, and documents can be thought of as rows in a table. The difference is that you don’t define what columns (or rather attributes) there will be in advance. Every document in any collection can have arbitrary attribute keys and values. Documents in a single collection will likely have a similar structure in practice however, but the database system itself does not impose it and will operate stable and fast no matter how your data looks like.

Read more in the data-model concepts chapter.

For now, you can stick with the default _system database and use the web interface to create collections and documents. Start by clicking the COLLECTIONS menu entry, then the Add Collection tile. Give it a name, e.g. users, leave the other settings unchanged (we want it to be a document collection) and Save it. A new tile labeled users should show up, which you can click to open.

There will be No documents yet. Click the green circle with the white plus on the right-hand side to create a first document in this collection. A dialog will ask you for a _key. You can leave the field blank and click Create to let the database system assign an automatically generated (unique) key. Note that the _key property is immutable, which means you can not change it once the document is created. What you can use as document key is described in the naming conventions.

An automatically generated key could be "9883" (_key is always a string!), and the document _id would be "users/9883" in that case. Aside from a few system attributes, there is nothing in this document yet. Let’s add a custom attribute by clicking the icon to the left of (empty object), then Append. Two input fields will become available, FIELD (attribute key) and VALUE (attribute value). Type name as key and your name as value. Append another attribute, name it age and set it to your age. Click Save to persist the changes. If you click on Collection: users at the top on the right-hand side of the ArangoDB logo, the document browser will show the documents in the users collection and you will see the document you just created in the list.