ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs

Collection Methods


drops a collection collection.drop(options)

Drops a collection and all its indexes and data. In order to drop a system collection, an options object with attribute isSystem set to true must be specified.

Note: dropping a collection in a cluster, which is prototype for sharing in other collections is prohibited. In order to be able to drop such a collection, all dependent collections must be dropped first.


arangosh> col = db.example;
arangosh> col.drop();
arangosh> col;
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[ArangoCollection 73119, "example" (type document, status loaded)]
[ArangoCollection 73119, "example" (type document, status deleted)]
arangosh> col = db._example;
arangosh> col.drop({ isSystem: true });
arangosh> col;
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[ArangoCollection 73126, "_example" (type document, status loaded)]
[ArangoCollection 73126, "_example" (type document, status deleted)]


truncates a collection collection.truncate()

Truncates a collection, removing all documents but keeping all its indexes.


Truncates a collection:

arangosh> col = db.example;
arangosh>{ "Hello" : "World" });
arangosh> col.count();
arangosh> col.truncate();
arangosh> col.count();
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[ArangoCollection 73266, "example" (type document, status loaded)]
  "_id" : "example/73271", 
  "_key" : "73271", 
  "_rev" : "_bHcRQpK---" 


Introduced in: v3.4.5

Compacts the data of a collection collection.compact()

Compacts the data of a collection in order to reclaim disk space. For the MMFiles storage engine, the operation will reset the collection’s last compaction timestamp, so it will become a candidate for compaction. For the RocksDB storage engine, the operation will compact the document and index data by rewriting the underlying .sst files and only keeping the relevant entries.

Under normal circumstances running a compact operation is not necessary, as the collection data will eventually get compacted anyway. However, in some situations, e.g. after running lots of update/replace or remove operations, the disk data for a collection may contain a lot of outdated data for which the space shall be reclaimed. In this case the compaction operation can be used.


gets or sets the properties of a

Returns an object containing all collection properties.

  • waitForSync: If true creating a document will only return after the data was synced to disk.

  • journalSize : The size of the journal in bytes. This option is meaningful for the MMFiles storage engine only.

  • isVolatile: If true then the collection data will be kept in memory only and ArangoDB will not write or sync the data to disk. This option is meaningful for the MMFiles storage engine only.

  • keyOptions (optional) additional options for key generation. This is a JSON array containing the following attributes (note: some of the attributes are optional):
    • type: the type of the key generator used for the collection.
    • allowUserKeys: if set to true, then it is allowed to supply own key values in the _key attribute of a document. If set to false, then the key generator will solely be responsible for generating keys and supplying own key values in the _key attribute of documents is considered an error.
    • increment: increment value for autoincrement key generator. Not used for other key generator types.
    • offset: initial offset value for autoincrement key generator. Not used for other key generator types.
  • indexBuckets: number of buckets into which indexes using a hash table are split. The default is 16 and this number has to be a power of 2 and less than or equal to 1024. This option is meaningful for the MMFiles storage engine only.

    For very large collections one should increase this to avoid long pauses when the hash table has to be initially built or resized, since buckets are resized individually and can be initially built in parallel. For example, 64 might be a sensible value for a collection with 100 000 000 documents. Currently, only the edge index respects this value, but other index types might follow in future ArangoDB versions. Changes (see below) are applied when the collection is loaded the next time.

In a cluster setup, the result will also contain the following attributes:

  • numberOfShards: the number of shards of the collection.

  • shardKeys: contains the names of document attributes that are used to determine the target shard for documents.

  • replicationFactor: determines how many copies of each shard are kept on different DBServers.

  • shardingStrategy: the sharding strategy selected for the collection. This attribute will only be populated in cluster mode and is not populated in single-server mode.

Changes the collection properties. properties must be an object with one or more of the following attribute(s):

  • waitForSync: If true creating a document will only return after the data was synced to disk.

  • journalSize : The size of the journal in bytes. This option is meaningful for the MMFiles storage engine only.

  • indexBuckets : See above, changes are only applied when the collection is loaded the next time. This option is meaningful for the MMFiles storage engine only.

  • replicationFactor : Change the number of shard copies kept on different DBServers, valid values are integer numbers in the range of 1-10 (Cluster only)

Note: some other collection properties, such as type, isVolatile, keyOptions, numberOfShards or shardingStrategy cannot be changed once the collection is created.


Read all properties

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Change a property

arangosh>{ waitForSync : true });
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returns the figures of a collection collection.figures()

Returns an object containing statistics about the collection. Note : Retrieving the figures will always load the collection into memory.

  • alive.count: The number of currently active documents in all datafiles and journals of the collection. Documents that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • alive.size: The total size in bytes used by all active documents of the collection. Documents that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • dead.count: The number of dead documents. This includes document versions that have been deleted or replaced by a newer version. Documents deleted or replaced that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • dead.size: The total size in bytes used by all dead documents.
  • dead.deletion: The total number of deletion markers. Deletion markers only contained in the write-ahead log are not reporting in this figure.
  • datafiles.count: The number of datafiles.
  • datafiles.fileSize: The total filesize of datafiles (in bytes).
  • journals.count: The number of journal files.
  • journals.fileSize: The total filesize of the journal files (in bytes).
  • compactors.count: The number of compactor files.
  • compactors.fileSize: The total filesize of the compactor files (in bytes).
  • shapefiles.count: The number of shape files. This value is deprecated and kept for compatibility reasons only. The value will always be 0 since ArangoDB 2.0 and higher.
  • shapefiles.fileSize: The total filesize of the shape files. This value is deprecated and kept for compatibility reasons only. The value will always be 0 in ArangoDB 2.0 and higher.
  • shapes.count: The total number of shapes used in the collection. This includes shapes that are not in use anymore. Shapes that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • shapes.size: The total size of all shapes (in bytes). This includes shapes that are not in use anymore. Shapes that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • attributes.count: The total number of attributes used in the collection. Note: the value includes data of attributes that are not in use anymore. Attributes that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • attributes.size: The total size of the attribute data (in bytes). Note: the value includes data of attributes that are not in use anymore. Attributes that are contained in the write-ahead log only are not reported in this figure.
  • indexes.count: The total number of indexes defined for the collection, including the pre-defined indexes (e.g. primary index).
  • indexes.size: The total memory allocated for indexes in bytes.
  • lastTick: The tick of the last marker that was stored in a journal of the collection. This might be 0 if the collection does not yet have a journal.
  • uncollectedLogfileEntries: The number of markers in the write-ahead log for this collection that have not been transferred to journals or datafiles.
  • documentReferences: The number of references to documents in datafiles that JavaScript code currently holds. This information can be used for debugging compaction and unload issues.
  • waitingFor: An optional string value that contains information about which object type is at the head of the collection’s cleanup queue. This information can be used for debugging compaction and unload issues.
  • compactionStatus.time: The point in time the compaction for the collection was last executed. This information can be used for debugging compaction issues.
  • compactionStatus.message: The action that was performed when the compaction was last run for the collection. This information can be used for debugging compaction issues.

Note: collection data that are stored in the write-ahead log only are not reported in the results. When the write-ahead log is collected, documents might be added to journals and datafiles of the collection, which may modify the figures of the collection. Also note that waitingFor and compactionStatus may be empty when called on a coordinator in a cluster.

Additionally, the filesizes of collection and index parameter JSON files are not reported. These files should normally have a size of a few bytes each. Please also note that the fileSize values are reported in bytes and reflect the logical file sizes. Some filesystems may use optimizations (e.g. sparse files) so that the actual physical file size is somewhat different. Directories and sub-directories may also require space in the file system, but this space is not reported in the fileSize results.

That means that the figures reported do not reflect the actual disk usage of the collection with 100% accuracy. The actual disk usage of a collection is normally slightly higher than the sum of the reported fileSize values. Still the sum of the fileSize values can still be used as a lower bound approximation of the disk usage.


arangosh> db.demo.figures()
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  "indexes" : { 
    "count" : 1, 
    "size" : 30 
  "documentsSize" : 55, 
  "cacheInUse" : false, 
  "cacheSize" : 0, 
  "cacheUsage" : 0 


loads a collection collection.load()

Loads a collection into memory.

Note: cluster collections are loaded at all times.


arangosh> col = db.example;
arangosh> col.load();
arangosh> col;
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[ArangoCollection 73197, "example" (type document, status loaded)]
[ArangoCollection 73197, "example" (type document, status loaded)]


returns the revision id of a collection collection.revision()

Returns the revision id of the collection

The revision id is updated when the document data is modified, either by inserting, deleting, updating or replacing documents in it.

The revision id of a collection can be used by clients to check whether data in a collection has changed or if it is still unmodified since a previous fetch of the revision id.

The revision id returned is a string value. Clients should treat this value as an opaque string, and only use it for equality/non-equality comparisons.


returns the physical path of the collection collection.path()

The path operation returns a string with the physical storage path for the collection data.

Note: this method will return nothing meaningful in a cluster. In a single-server ArangoDB, this method will only return meaningful data for the MMFiles engine.


calculates a checksum for the data in a collection collection.checksum(withRevisions, withData)

The checksum operation calculates an aggregate hash value for all document keys contained in collection collection.

If the optional argument withRevisions is set to true, then the revision ids of the documents are also included in the hash calculation.

If the optional argument withData is set to true, then all user-defined document attributes are also checksummed. Including the document data in checksumming will make the calculation slower, but is more accurate.

The checksum calculation algorithm changed in ArangoDB 3.0, so checksums from 3.0 and earlier versions for the same data will differ.

Note: this method is not available in a cluster.


unloads a collection collection.unload()

Starts unloading a collection from memory. Note that unloading is deferred until all query have finished.

Note: cluster collections cannot be unloaded.


arangosh> col = db.example;
arangosh> col.unload();
arangosh> col;
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[ArangoCollection 65348, "example" (type document, status loaded)]
[ArangoCollection 65348, "example" (type document, status unloaded)]


renames a collection collection.rename(new-name)

Renames a collection using the new-name. The new-name must not already be used for a different collection. new-name must also be a valid collection name. For more information on valid collection names please refer to the naming conventions.

If renaming fails for any reason, an error is thrown. If renaming the collection succeeds, then the collection is also renamed in all graph definitions inside the _graphs collection in the current database.

Note: this method is not available in a cluster.


arangosh> c = db.example;
arangosh> c.rename("better-example");
arangosh> c;
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[ArangoCollection 73259, "example" (type document, status loaded)]
[ArangoCollection 73259, "better-example" (type document, status loaded)]


rotates the current journal of a collection collection.rotate()

Rotates the current journal of a collection. This operation makes the current journal of the collection a read-only datafile so it may become a candidate for garbage collection. If there is currently no journal available for the collection, the operation will fail with an error.

Note: this method is specific for the MMFiles storage engine, and there it is not available in a cluster.

Note: please note that you need appropriate user permissions to execute this.

  • To do the rename collections in first place you need to have administrative rights on the database
  • To have access to the resulting renamed collection you either need to have access to all collections of that database (*) or a main system administrator has to give you access to the newly named one.