Oasisctl Create Deployment

Create a new deployment


Create a new deployment

oasisctl create deployment [flags]


      --accept                          Accept the current terms and conditions.
  -c, --cacertificate-id string         Identifier of the CA certificate to use for the deployment
      --coordinator-memory-size int32   Set memory size of coordinators for flexible deployments (GB) (default 4)
      --coordinators int32              Set number of coordinators for flexible deployments (default 3)
      --custom-image string             Set a custom image to use for the deployment. Only available for selected customers.
      --dbserver-disk-size int32        Set disk size of dbservers for flexible deployments (GB) (default 32)
      --dbserver-memory-size int32      Set memory size of dbservers for flexible deployments (GB) (default 4)
      --dbservers int32                 Set number of dbservers for flexible deployments (default 3)
      --description string              Description of the deployment
  -h, --help                            help for deployment
  -i, --ipallowlist-id string           Identifier of the IP allowlist to use for the deployment
      --model string                    Set model of the deployment (default "oneshard")
      --name string                     Name of the deployment
      --node-count int32                Set the number of desired nodes (default 3)
      --node-disk-size int32            Set disk size for nodes (GB)
      --node-size-id string             Set the node size to use for this deployment
  -o, --organization-id string          Identifier of the organization to create the deployment in
  -p, --project-id string               Identifier of the project to create the deployment in
  -r, --region-id string                Identifier of the region to create the deployment in
      --version string                  Version of ArangoDB to use for the deployment

Options inherited from parent commands

      --endpoint string   API endpoint of the ArangoDB Oasis (default "api.cloud.arangodb.com")
      --format string     Output format (table|json) (default "table")
      --token string      Token used to authenticate at ArangoDB Oasis

See also